Stress Works Your Core [Executive Functions]
Tes Slominski Tes Slominski

Stress Works Your Core [Executive Functions]

Right now, pretty much everybody I know with any connection to the academic calendar is working like a demon. The rapid descent into packed schedules, end-of-semester grading, and deadlines is stressful, to say the least!

According to a 2016 meta-analysis of relevant literature, acute stress* is linked to decreases in several core executive functions….

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How The Feral Freelancer Got Its Name
Tes Slominski Tes Slominski

How The Feral Freelancer Got Its Name

For me, being feral is about being hungry–for knowledge, for the thrill of trying something new, for discovering how things work. It is also about choosing less formal ways of moving in the world: to be a bit scruffy (metaphorically and perhaps literally!) is to be vulnerable in a way that is both productive and freeing.

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